The Quilt

As an adult having experienced firsthand how daunting it is to have a loved one suffer with Dementia, I wanted to create a conceptual guidebook to help young children navigate the sensitive topic in a way that is both comforting and engaging, as well as educational. 

Here I was exploring how to adapt my combined watercolour and digital style, which I used at the time, to create sensitive characters. I ended up using a looser and brighter style, as seen beneath, as to appeal to my younger audience of 5-8 years.
These mock-ups display how the interactive format unravels, mimicking this projects motif, a patchwork quilt. A sentimental item often associated with elderly loved ones and traditionally stitched with love and care. 

The guidebook’s five sections are as follows:

1. Memory books 
A visual analogy for Dementia 

2. Sight 
A visual metaphor for visual stimulation and why engaging the senses is important

3. What to say?
How to navigate language and how to have the appropriate attitude while speaking 

4. Smell and Sound 
More examples of engaging the senses and why this is useful

5. Games
Suggestions of what games are ideal to encourage interaction and engage the mind without being overwhelming 

The overall aim of this piece is to reassure young children that although it may not seem like it, someone suffering with dementia is still the same person deep down and emphasise that
although they may not remember a moment, the feeling they felt in that moment will always remain.

As this project was only conceptual, I don’t feel it has reached its full potential and I would love to revisit this concept at a later date with the aim of printing and distributing into children’s educational spaces.  

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